To Qualify for this warranty
- You must be the original purchaser of the tires and the tires must have been purchased from Sun Valley Auto Repair LLC.
- You need to purchase the tire road hazard warranty protection at time of tire purchase.
- You must have your tires rotated at regular intervals at minimum every 10,000 miles. This service can be performed by any shop or repair facility. If this service was not performed at Sun Valley Auto Repair LLC proof in the form of a receipt with vehicle identification number, date, and miles will be required if a claim is made.
- You must keep all mechanical parts that affect tires and or tire wear in proper working condition.
What is covered?
- Warranty is valid for up to 5 years from time of tire installation or until tire reaches 2/32 or 1.6 mm of tread depth, whichever occurs first. According to Ohio administrative code rule 4501:2-1-06 All tires shall have a minimum of one sixteenth of one inch depth of tread on the road surface. All tires shall be free of major bumps or bulges, breaks, thrown tread or any condition which would constitute an unsafe condition.
- Flat tire repairs are covered for the life of this warranty as long as the tire can safely be repaired.
- If a tire requires replacement, it will be replaced by the exact same make and model of tire if available. If not available a comparable tire will be used. If tire failure occurs within the first 35% of usable tread life and it cannot be safely repaired it will be replaced with coverage up to 110% of the original purchase price of the tire. If failure occurs after initial 35% use of usable tread life, you will need to pay for the consumed usable tread life on the original tire. Figured by multiplying the percentage of tread life used by the original purchase price of the tire. Tire mount and balance if replacement is required will be covered. Usable tread life is the original tread depth minus 2/32 or 1.6 mm.
- Tire rotation is included at no charge and can be done every 10,000 miles or once per year.
- Tire balance if needed during warranty period will be provided at no charge.
- Maximum payout over life of warranty is set at 399 dollars per tire.
Items not covered
- Failure or damage caused by racing, abuse or off road use
- Failure or damage caused by vehicle accident or vandalism
- Rapid or irregular tread wear
- Failure or damage caused by snow chains or studs
- Failure or damage caused by worn, improperly adjusted, or maintained mechanical components.
- Loss of time, inconvenience, vehicle loss of use or consequential damage except where and to the extent prohibited by law.
- Tires that have been transferred from the vehicle on which they were originally installed
- Tires installed on vehicles designated for commercial use